POW Submission for Alternative Ideal Home Exhibition 2020

DAUGHTER'S Perfection Pro Series (2019)

DAUGHTER'S Perfection Pro Series (2019)

Polymer clay, decals, Barbie doll, puppet, toy washer dryer, Arduino technology; 25 x 20 x 43 cm / 25 x 20 x 163 cm on plinth.

An “up yours” to all those who try to indoctrinate their daughters with strict rules and codes of behaviour and who therefore undermine and boycott a healthy development of their child into a strong, self-confident and independent woman.

The sculpture is animated: the puppet in the background is energetically stirring with a spoon the insides of the Barbie doll’s head.

Daughter's Perfection Pro Series_Establishing shot.jpg
Hob of Perceived Realities (2017, 2019)

Hob of Perceived Realities (2017, 2019)

Polymer clay, fabric, tiles, found objects, Barbie dolls and furniture, with Arduino technology

“Hob of Perceived Realities” (polymer clay, fabric, tiles, found objects, Barbie dolls and furniture, Arduino technology) is dedicated to all women who are or would like to be in employment and who struggle to juggle housework and childcare alongside their jobs. I vent my personal anger and disappointment about feeling confined and suffocated by my domestic role despite spending year in education for a job that I am now not even practicing.

The different sections in the cooker show the clash of two worlds: on the one hand, the happy family gathered in the kitchen, harmoniously posing for the viewer as we open the oven. In the grill section, however, we get a glimpse behind the scenes: in the background there is a miniature table with breakfast left-overs still on it. Half- finished toasts, crumbs everywhere, a glass of milk has fallen over and spilt on the floor. In the foreground to the right we see a male persona sitting on a desk, surrounded by electronic gadgets starting onto a computer screen, his eyes already square. Behind him on the left we see a female figure, bending over a toilet and throwing up emotions (“unfulfilled”, “unappreciated”, “lonely”). On top of the cooker we see two frying pans. Inside the real pan is an animated figure, vigorously hoovering the greasy floor. The frying pan next to it is an upside down mortar board in which an egg is simmering.

Hob of Perceived Realities_Establishing Shot.jpg
Hob of Perceived Realities_oven scene.jpg
Hob of Perceived Realities_grill scene.jpg
Grill Light_ES.JPG
Grill_Vomiting Emotions.JPG
Flowers for Myself (2017)

Flowers for Myself (2017)

Earthenware and dying flowers, 18 x 12 cm.

“Flowers For Myself” is a bold statement to underline to all “other halves” that even when the years of courtship are long gone a woman still wants and needs gestures of love and appreciation.

The writing states: “He loves me – he loves me not” over and over again until the conclusion is reached “Aw fuck it, I’ll just get my own flowers.”

Concluding Sentence1.JPG
Concluding Sentence 2.JPG
Invasive Freedom (2017)

Invasive Freedom (2017)

Coat hangers, acrylic paint, felting wool. 44 x 34 x 2 cm.

With this piece I would like to draw attention to the agonies many women put themselves through in order to be sexually as free as men: be it by accepting at times painful contraceptive methods or by putting themselves through the ordeal of backstreet abortions which in some countries are still the only way for women to end an unwanted pregnancy when for religious or other social reasons contraception or legal abortions are not allowed.

"Look honey, there's a hole and now I got bleach on my finger!" (2020)

"Look honey, there's a hole and now I got bleach on my finger!" (2020)

This piece expresses the anger and resentment many women and housewives feel when their hard work in the house is ignored, not appreciated or just taken for granted.